Overcoming Obstacles to CTE in Alt Ed
Limited Resources Continued: Teachers
3. Look into waivers or split an FTE with multiple Alt Ed sites. CDE ’ s Waiver Requests Guidebook provides parameters for requesting waivers, stating the following: “ Variable Term Waivers give the employer the ability to cover assignments when a fully qualified credentialed employee cannot be found. Waivers allow employers to meet staffing needs while searching for an individual who either holds an appropriate credential or qualifies for one of the available assignment options for the assignment. It also allows the individuals holding waivers to complete their credential requirements while serving in the classroom. ” FAQ #15. What Ed Code do I use when requesting a CCSD waiver for the Designated Subjects Career Technical Education or Special Subjects Credential holders? A: Ed Code 44253.11 pertains to the CCSD and the Designated Subjects Career Technical Education and Special Subjects Credential holders. Please see page 35 for a list of Ed Codes appropriate to waivers. Some sites will hire a CTE - credentialed full - time educator, but split the contract between sites (.6 at the Community School and .4 at the Juvenile Hall, for example). This is a great way to make CTE happen at multiple sites at once, and will work best if you give the teacher the opportunity to teach the same program at both sites. 4. Give your teachers CTE curriculum they can get trained for and implement instead of asking them to build it from the ground up. Not only are Alt Ed teachers constantly navigating the SEL and IEP needs of their unique populations, they ’ re usually wearing several hats within a small community of teaching professionals who rely on one another. Make them feel valued by not adding a huge task to their plate, and seek tried - and - true curriculum/programs instead of asking them to create something that ’ s standards - aligned, hands - on, UC A - G approved, etc.
Limited Resources Continued: Funding
FUNDING - Thankfully, this is one of the best times in history for CTE funding in California. However, many Alt Ed sites may not even realize they have access to it. Possible funding sources for CTE programs in Alt Ed include:
• Career Technical Education Incentive Grant
Strong Workforce Program Grant
• Comprehensive Support and Improvement
Title 1
• District bonds that include career training
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